Description:- It is a simple game where we need to select the specified number to score points within a time limit.
Tech Stack:- HTML,CSS, Javascript
How to add gradient colour (not used):- we can add gradient color on any element using following syntax:-
Background-image :linear-gradient(“first color”, “second color”);How to add gradient colour to the text:- The above method cant used to add color to text, for that we need to use another property called webkits.
Background :linear-gradient(“First color”, ”Second color”);
-webkit-text-fill-color : transparent;
-webkit-background-clip : text;
How to add Borders to the elements(harder than I expected):- So in CSS we can add borders by first selecting border style (dotted, dashed, solid, etc), then other properties like radius. To add weight to the border, we need to use border-width.
Border-style :solid;
Border-width: 10px 10px 10px 10px; //top right bottom left
How to add borders(stroke) to text:- To add stroke we’ll use webkits again, webkits seem to be frontend dev’s bestfriend.
-webkit-text-stroke-width: 1px;
-webkit-text-stroke-color: “color name”;
How to set height without knowing exact dimensions:- It can be achieved using calc();
Height :calc(100%-100px);
HTML and Javascript was similar to the previous projects I made, so I didn't learn anything significant in these sections. But learnt alot about CSS. This will definitely help me in future projects!
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